Maarten Schaddelee, sculpture

Recent Art by
Maarten Schaddelee

The stone and wood materials that Maarten uses to create his art are all handpicked for the finest quality possible. The end results are the most incredible finishes and textures achievable. Surrender to your temptations - come to the Gallery and touch the magic.

Seeing is believing Touching is Transforming.

Below are examples of Maarten's most recently completed available pieces of art. Contact the gallery for your personal viewing.

Please click any of the small pictures below to open a larger image in the image viewer. Hover your mouse over the Left / Right side of the image viewer to show the Next / Previous button, click a button to progress through the series or go back, click the Close at the bottom to return to the original window. Optional key board commands, "Tab" to image, "Enter" to view, Next - Prev or left - right arrow to move through images and use "ESC" to close.

New Art in the Gallery New Art Raven, New Art in the Gallery Small Eagle, New Art in the Gallery New Art in the Gallery New Art in the Gallery New Art in the Gallery New Art in the Gallery New Art in the Gallery New Art in the Gallery New Art in the Gallery New Art in the Gallery New Art in the Gallery

Maarten's commissions are as unique and individual as are all his creations. The pieces above show only some of his work, call today to see the gallery in person or click on
"In the Gallery Now".

Contact Nadina or Maarten at or call 250-477-1651.

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